中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯8月15日消息,意大利石油巨头埃尼公司周二表示,公司已经获得埃及一个新的海洋勘探许可证。 埃尼公司表示,新的特许权协议已经获得埃及管理部门的批准,该海洋勘探许可证位于地中海的东尼罗河三角洲盆地。 埃尼表示,公司计划在今年下半年钻取一个勘探井,该勘探许可证将由公司旗下子公司IEOC作业。 埃尼表示,公司持有该许可证85%股权,Tharwa石油公司持有剩余15%股权。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Eni Granted New Exploration License Offshore Egypt Eni SpA (ENI.MI) said Tuesday it has been granted a new exploration license offshore Egypt. The new concession agreement–aimed at governing an offshore exploration license in the East Nile Delta Basin of the Mediterranean Sea–received approval by Egyptian authorities, Eni said. The Italian oil major said it plans to proceed with the drilling of an exploration well in the second half and that the exploration license is operated through its subsidiary IEOC. Eni holds an 85% stake in the concession and Tharwa Petroleum Company holds a 15% stake, it said.