中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews.com网站8月15日伦敦报道,英国著名私营石油公司萨瓦纳石油公司(Savannah Petroleum plc)周三在伦敦宣布,该公司部署在尼日尔海上的Eridal-1勘探井日前获得了一个重要石油发现。 根据萨瓦纳石油公司的一份声明,钻探初步结果表明,这口井在E1储层单元中共钻遇到了44.6英尺厚的净含油储层砂岩。 该公司表示,电缆测井表明储油层性能“良好”。这口7月27日开钻的Eridal-1勘探井总测量深度为8339英尺,总共用了14天时间才钻到目标深度。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Savannah Makes Oil Discovery Onshore Niger Savannah Petroleum plc announced Wednesday that it has made an important oil discovery at the Eridal-1 exploration well, which is situated onshore Niger. Preliminary results indicate that the well encountered a total estimated 44.6 feet of net oil bearing reservoir sandstones in the E1 reservoir unit, within the primary Eocene Sokor Alternances objective, according to a Savannah statement. The company said wireline logs indicate the reservoir properties to be “good quality”. The well was a total measured depth of 8,339 feet and took a total of 14 days to reach target depth.