

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油》8月16日华盛顿报道,今年6月份,位于德克萨斯州东北部和路易斯安那州的海内斯维尔页岩地层的天然气平均日产量为63.5亿立方英尺,占到美国干天然气总产量的8.5%,是2012年11月以来的最高水平。 海内斯维尔页岩地层位于地下1.05万英尺到1.35万英尺的深处。相比之下,马塞勒斯页岩地层的深度在4000英尺到8500英尺之间。这种深度使得海内斯维尔页岩地层的钻井成本普遍高于其他页岩远景区。然而,近年来盈亏平衡的成本有所下降,使得海内斯维尔的天然气在其当前价格水平上具有经济效益。 在2013年,当亨利中心的天然气平均价格为3.80美元/百万英热单位(MMBtu)时,在海内斯维尔平均有45部钻机在进行油气钻井作业。海内斯维尔是美国仅次于马塞勒斯的第二大生产页岩气盆地。在2014年,由于亨利中心天然气价格上涨至4.87美元/MMBtu,在用钻机数增加到了51部。然而,当在用钻井数由于亨利中心天然气价格下降而减少时,海内斯维尔在用钻机数在2016年下降到了20部。自那以后,由于亨利中心天然气价格一直保持在或接近3美元/MMBtu,海内斯维尔在用钻机数稳步增加。 根据美国能源信息署(EIA)公布的最新统计数据,今年6月份,海恩斯维尔地层的干天然气产量比2013年6月份的产量水平高出了23%,创5年来新高。 李峻 编译自 世界石油 原文如下: EIA: Haynesville natural gas production reaches five-year high In June 2018, natural gas production in the Haynesville shale formation, located in northeastern Texas and Louisiana, averaged 6.35 Bcfd, accounting for 8.5% of the total U.S. dry natural gas production, Haynesville’s highest production level since November 2012. The Haynesville formation lies deep underground between 10,500 ft and 13,500 ft. In comparison, the depth of the Marcellus shale ranges between 4,000 ft and 8,500 ft. This depth makes drilling costs in the Haynesville shale generally higher than other shale plays. However, breakeven costs have decreased in recent years, making Haynesville natural gas economic at its current prices. During 2013, when Henry Hub prices averaged $3.80/MMBtu, an average of 45 rigs operated in the Haynesville, which was the second-largest producing shale gas basin after the Marcellus. The rig count increased to 51 rigs in 2014 as Henry Hub prices increased to $4.87/MMBtu. However, when the number of rigs decreased as the Henry Hub price declined, Haynesville reached a low of 20 rigs in operation in 2016. Since then, the Haynesville rig count has steadily increased as Henry Hub prices have remained at or near $3.00/MMBtu. Dry natural gas production in the Haynesville formation in June 2018 was 23% higher than the production level in June 2013—a new five-year high.  
