

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯8月15日休斯敦报道,美国能源信息署(EIA)周三公布的统计数据显示,在8月10日结束的那周里,美国用于非燃料用途的丙烯库存量出现了增加,这是美国丙烯库存量连续第六周出现增加。 EIA的统计数据显示,上周美国用于非燃料用途的丙烯库存量增加了11万桶,总库存量达到295.7万桶。与去年同期相比,库存量也增加了17万桶。 上周,美国炼油厂利用率上升了1.5个百分点,达到了98.1%。炼油厂的利用率也比去年同期增加了2个百分点。 在现货市场,美国聚合级丙烯8月交货价格周二被评估在每磅59.25美分FD USG,当日下跌了0.125美分。 周二,美国现货精炼级丙烯在3 – 30天的基础上被评估在每磅43.50美分FD USG,当日上涨了0.25美分。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: EIA data shows US propylene stocks up for sixth consecutive week US stocks of propylene for non-fuel use increased in the week ended August 10, the sixth consecutive week of growth, Energy Information Administration data showed Wednesday. Non-fuel use propylene increased by 110,000 barrels to 2.957 million barrels in the week, the EIA data showed. Stock levels were also up by 170,000 barrels from the year-ago week. US refinery run rates gained 1.5 percentage points to 98.1% last week. Refinery rates were also up by 2 percentage points from the year-ago week. In the spot market, US polymer-grade propylene was assessed Tuesday at 59.25 cents/lb FD USG for August delivery, down 0.125 cent on the day. US spot refinery-grade propylene was at 43.50 cents/lb FD USG on a three- to 30-day basis on Tuesday, up 0.25 cent on the day.  
