

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社伦敦报道,周一,欧佩克预测明年原油需求将会下降,原因是竞争对手增加了产量,并表示,沙特石油的主要出口国迫切希望避免供应过剩,所以已经减产。 在一份月度报告中,石油出口国组织表示,到2019年,全球15个成员国每天将需要3205万桶原油,比上个月的预测减少了13万桶。 在石油输出国组织(OPEC)的报告发布后,布兰特原油期货价格略有下降,低于每桶73美元。 在这份报告中,欧佩克表示,7月份的石油产量上升到了3232万桶/日。尽管高于2019年的需求预测,但随着沙特的削减抵消了其他地区的增长,这比6月份仅增加了41,000桶。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Saudi cuts oil output as OPEC points to 2019 surplus OPEC on Monday forecast lower demand for its crude next year as rivals pump more and said top oil exporter Saudi Arabia, eager to avoid a return of oversupply, had cut production. In a monthly report, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said the world will need 32.05 million barrels per day (bpd) of crude from its 15 members in 2019, down 130,000 bpd from last month’s forecast. Crude LCOc1 edged lower after the OPEC report was released, trading below $73 a barrel. In the report, OPEC said its oil output in July rose to 32.32 million bpd. Although higher than the 2019 demand forecast, this is up a mere 41,000 bpd from June as the Saudi cut offset increases elsewhere.  
