

中国石化新闻网讯 据《润滑油周报》7月12日消息,俄罗斯卢克石油公司新闻发言人表示,2017年公司旗下LLK国际公司出售了86.3万吨的润滑油产品,比2016年76.1万吨的销售量大幅增加13.4%。卢克石油公司将这一增长归功于销售的广泛改善以及在中国和其他国家业务的持续扩张。
卢克石油在年度报告中称:“我们的Genesis和其他品牌的汽车、工业和船舶润滑油产品在2017年的销售量达到了58.5万吨,比2016年增长了14%,这一增长得益于国内润滑油市场的有利条件以及我们在俄罗斯和国外市场的业务扩张。” 卢克石油是俄罗斯国内最大的润滑油生产商。2017年占到俄罗斯国内基础油和润滑油总产量的45%,达到110万吨。
张春晓 摘译自 润滑油周报 原文如下:
Lukoil’s Lubricant Sales Grew in 2017 Lukoil’s LLK International sold 863,000 metric tons of finished lubricant products in 2017, up 13.4 percent from 761,000 tons sold in 2016, a spokesperson told Lube Report last week. The company attributed the growth to broad improvement in sales and continuing expansion in China and other countries. “Our Genesis and other branded automotive, industrial and marine oil products reached 585,000 tons in 2017, or a 14 percent increase compared to the year before,” Lukoil stated in its annual report for 2017 “This growth is helped by the favorable conditions in the national lubricant market, our expansion [in Russia] and in the foreign markets.” Lukoil is Russia’s largest lubricant maker. In 2017 it was responsible for 45 percent of the country’s combined output of base oils and finished lubricants, which was 1.1 million tons.  
