

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯7月9日消息,穆迪表示,许多油气公司已经利用油价上涨的契机,减少债务,出售资产,并将其业务组合转向石油含量高和生产成本低的资产。该评级机构补充称,这帮助油气行业中信用评级上调的公司与信用评级下调的公司的比值从2017年时的1.4大幅提高至2018年上半年时的3.5。尽管如此,随着油气公司将重心转向增加股东回报,2018年上半年油气公司信用评级上调的速度已经放缓。穆迪表示,勘探和生产企业从强劲的油价中受益最大。 曹海斌 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Oil and Gas Firms Get Credit Boost From High Oil Prices: Moody’s Many oil and gas companies have taken advantage of stronger oil prices to reduce debt, sell assets and transform their property portfolios towards higher oil content and lower cost production, says Moody’s. This helped the ratio of credit upgrades to downgrades in the oil and gas sector to soar to 3.5 in the first half of 2018, from a ratio of 1.4 in 2017, the rating agency adds. Still, the pace of upgrades has slowed down in H1 2018 relative to 2017, as companies have shifted their focus to increasing shareholders returns. Exploration and production companies are benefiting the most from strong oil prices, says Moody’s.  
