

中国石化新闻网讯 据《石油世界》7月9日墨西哥城报道,墨西哥当选总统安德烈斯·曼努埃尔·洛佩兹·奥夫拉多尔将寻求在其任期的前三年内结束墨西哥大量的燃料进口(几乎全部来自美国),同时也将推进国内炼油业的发展。 上周六上午,在与未来内阁成员举行私下会晤之前,这位在上周日大选中以压倒性优势胜出的总统对媒体记者表示,他还将优先考虑国内原油产量的增长。墨西哥国内原油产量多年来一直在大幅下降。 奥夫拉多尔在重申他和他的高级能源顾问在竞选期间确定的立场同时说:“我们的目标是在我6年任期的中期前停止购买外国汽油。” 他说:“我们将立即恢复我们的石油活动、勘探和钻井,这样,我们将会拥有原油。” 李峻 编译自 石油世界 原文如下: Mexico aims to end foreign fuel imports in three years – next presidentMEXICO CITY Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will seek to end the country’s massive fuel imports, nearly all from the United States, during the first three years of his term while also boosting refining at home.
The landslide winner of last Sunday’s election told reporters on Saturday morning before attending private meetings with members of his future cabinet that he will also prioritize growing crude oil production domestically, which has fallen sharply for years.
“The objective is that we stop buying foreign gasoline by the half way point of my six-year term,” said Lopez Obrador, repeating a position he and his senior energy advisor staked out during the campaign.
“We are going to immediately revive our oil activity, exploration and the drilling of wells so we have crude oil,” he said.  
