中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社7月9日消息,路透社援引匿名消息来源报道称,英国石油公司(BP)在收购必和必拓美国陆上页岩油气资产的竞争中一马当先,已提出了价值超过100亿美元的报价。 报道援引消息源称,BP和必和必拓可能会在未来几周达成协议。 张春晓 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: BP in Lead to Acquire BHP Billiton US Onshore Oil-and-Gas Assets BP PLC (BP.LN) is the front runner to acquire BHP Billiton PLC’s (BBL) U.S. onshore shale oil-and-gas assets and has made an offer worth more than $10 billion, Reuters reports unnamed sources as saying. BP and BHP Billiton could reach an agreement in the coming weeks, according to the sources.