

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月6日消息,美国能源信息署(EIA)最新数据显示,上周美国原油出口量大幅下降46.5万桶/日降至170万桶/日,尽管美国基准的WTI原油价格较其竞争对手全球基准布伦特原油低10美元/桶。WTI价格当前大约为每桶64美元,而布伦特原油价格大约为每桶74美元,这是WTI和布伦特原油价格多年来最大的价差之一。从理论上讲,这将使美国生产的原油在全球市场上容易出售,但一些分析师表示,美国生产的页岩石油并不是一些进口国想要或需要的那种原油。然而,上周170万桶/日的出口量仍较一年前大幅上升,当时美国的石油出口量仅为55.7万桶/日。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: US Oil Exports Fall Sharply New EIA data shows US exports of crude oil fell by a sharp 465k bpd last week to 1.7M bpd despite the US benchmark WTI being priced an attractive $10 less than its rival global benchmark Brent. WTI is $64/bbl while Brent is $74, one of the widest differentials between WTI and Brent in several years. This should theoretically make US-produced crude an easy sell in global markets, but some analysts say US-produced oil from shale isn’t the type of crude some importers want or need. However,the 1.7M bpd last week is still up sharply from a year ago, when US oil exports were 557k bpd.  
