

中国石化新闻网讯 据新加坡普氏能源资讯6月7日消息,交易员周四表示,波斯湾产油国最近一轮大幅上调中东高硫原油等级,令一些交易员措手不及。 不过,他们补充说,针对较轻分数的sps规则的提高是合理的。 根据标普全球普氏公司(S&P Global Platts)的公告,周二,沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(Aramco)从6月起,将其对阿拉伯国家的“阿拉伯石油”(OSP)从6月提高到70美分/b,至7月阿曼/迪拜平均水平的65美分/b。 普氏数据显示,这是自2012年8月以来的最高水平。 这是沙特阿美运往亚洲的所有原油供应商中增幅最大的。例如,阿拉伯媒体OSP从每桶40美分上涨到阿曼/迪拜的35美分,而阿拉伯轻质OSP从每桶20美分上涨到阿曼/迪拜的2.10美元。 其他波斯湾产油国,如ADNOC和卡塔尔,也被认为在较重的分数上有更大的提高,而较轻的分数则有所降低。 一家西方石油公司的一名原油交易员表示:“我们的供应商数量正达到历史最高水平。” 交易员们将油价上涨的主要原因归咎于未来几个月更严重的原油出口紧缩。波斯湾产油国预计将为国内直接燃烧的目的储备更多的更重的桶。 此外,燃油裂隙在过去一个月一直在上升,这使生产商在提高高残留量油品的产量上有了更大的回旋余地。 自4月底以来,新加坡M2燃料油与迪拜原油之间的价差已上升逾4美元/桶,截至新加坡时间周三下午4:30,接近4个月来的最低位4.29美元/桶。 上次是在2月14日,当时裂缝扩展为- 3.84美元/桶。 “我们最近看到燃油裂缝越来越大,”一位中国的酸性原油交易商表示。 尽管如此,上调的幅度意味着,一旦这些评级开始在现货市场上交易,预计溢价将有所降低。 对阿拉伯人来说,这是一个巨大的冲击。当他们开始交易时,这将会剥夺他们的价值,”一家西方贸易公司的原油交易员说。 胡晶晶摘译自普氏能源资讯 原文如下 Large hikes in OSPs by Persian Gulf producers for heavier Middle Eastern sour crude grades in the latest round have caught some traders off guard, traders said Thursday. However, hikes in OSPs for lighter grades were in line, they added. On Tuesday, Aramco hiked its OSP for Arab Heavy to Asia by 70 cents/b from June to a discount of 65 cents/b to the average of Oman/Dubai in July, according to a company notice seen by S&P Global Platts. This was a high not seen since August 2012, when it was at a discount of 30 cents/b, Platts data showed. The increase was the largest among all of Saudi Aramco’s crude OSPs bound for Asia. The Arab Medium OSP, for instance, was raised by 40 cents/b to a premium of 35 cents/b to Oman/Dubai, while the Arab Light OSP was raised by 20 cents/b to a premium of $2.10/b to Oman/Dubai. Other Persian Gulf producers such as ADNOC and Qatar were also seen giving bulkier increases to their heavier grades while easing off on their lighter grades. “We are getting to some historically high numbers for OSPs,” a sour crude trader at a Western oil firm said. Traders pinned the hikes mostly on tighter exports of heavier crudes in the coming months. Persian Gulf producers were expected to reserve more of their heavier barrels for domestic, direct-burning purposes. Moreover, fuel oil cracks have been on the upswing in the last month, giving producers more leeway in raising OSPs for residual-rich grades. The M2 Singapore fuel oil crack spread against Dubai crude has risen by more than $4/b since end April to touch nearly a four-month high of minus $4.29/b as of 4:30 pm Singapore time Wednesday. It was last higher on February 14 when the crack spread was at minus $3.84/b. “We’ve seen fuel oil cracks getting higher recently,” a Chinese sour crude trader said. Still, the scale of the increases meant that premiums were expected to soften for these grades once they start trading on the spot market. “Big shock on the flip-flop for the Arab Heavy and Light. It’s going to strip away the value when they start trading,” a sour crude trader at a Western trading house said.
