中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯6月7日新加坡报道,交易商周四表示,为了设法扩大其在东南亚市场的存在,沙特阿美产品贸易公司(ATC)将首次向东南亚地区最大汽油买家印度尼西亚国家石油公司(印尼国油/Pertamina)供应定期汽油。 上述交易员补充说,由于ATC在东南亚地区没有多少资产,该公司必须寻找有竞争力的石油来供应需求方,因此,ATC参与印尼国油的定期合同引起了许多人的关注。 ATC如今已加入其他15家地区供应商行列以FOB和CFR价格供应88辛烷值和92辛烷值汽油来满足印尼在今年7月至12月之间日益增长的汽油需求。 一名驻新加坡的交易员表示:“预计ATC在此期间每月将向印尼国油供应100万至200万桶汽油。” 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Saudi Aramco Products to supply term gasoline to Pertamina for the first time Saudi Aramco Products Trading Company, or ATC, for the first time will be supplying Indonesia’s Pertamina, the region’s biggest gasoline buyer, with term gasoline barrels, in an attempt to grow its presence in the Southeast Asian market, traders said Thursday.
ATC’s participation into Pertamina’s term contract has caught the attention of many, as it does not have many assets within Southeast Asia and would have to source competitive barrels to supply into the tenderer, the traders added.
ATC has joined 15 other regional suppliers to supply 88 RON and 92 RON gasoline cargoes on an FOB and CFR basis to meet Indonesia’s growing gasoline requirement over July and December 2018.
“ATC is expected to supply between 1 million to 2 million barrels of gasoline a month over this period,” a Singapore-based trader said.