中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月7日消息,据欧佩克周四公布的统计报告称,去年欧佩克成员国石油出口收入反弹28%,达到5780亿美元,原因是油价上涨因素超过了欧佩克2016年底达成的减产协议的影响。虽然收入增长帮助沙特等国重新实现预算盈余,但仍远低于2013年油价100美元/桶时所创造的万亿美元收入纪录。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: OPEC Oil Revenues Bounce Back After Price Hike Offset Output Cuts Revenues from oil exports from members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries bounced back by 28% to $578 billion last year, according to OPEC’s statistical report released Thursday, as rising prices more-than-offset production cuts the cartel agreed to late 2016. While that boost helped countries like Saudi Arabia return to budget surplus, it is still a far cry from a record trillion dollars generated in 2013 when prices stood at $100 a barrel.