中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月7日消息,伍德麦肯兹公司表示,全球液化天然气(LNG)市场正处于“适度再平衡”的过程中,在亚洲季节性需求旺盛的情况下,2018年和明年全球LNG市场将保持紧张。伍德麦肯兹公司负责全球天然气和LNG业务的副总裁Massimo Di Odoardo问到:“中国创纪录的需求在2017年吸收了3.33亿吨LNG供应中的很大一部分新增供应,但它能继续支撑市场吗?”他表示:“我们认为,在2018/2019年冬季仍将支撑市场,尽管2019年夏季将出现市场变化,但价格仍将保持相对稳定。” 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: LNG Markets to Tighten This Year: Wood Mackenzie The global liquefied natural gas market is in the process of a “modest rebalancing” and should remain tight through 2018 and into next year, amid high seasonal demand in Asia, according to consultancy Wood Mackenzie. “Record demand from China absorbed a large part of the additional 333 million tons of LNG supply in 2017, but can it continue to support the market?” asked Massimo Di Odoardo, Wood Mackenzie’s vice president for global gas and LNG. “We think yes through to winter 2018/2019, and while there will be a market shift in summer 2019, prices will remain relatively sustained,” he said.