中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯6月7日伦敦报道,石油输出国组织(OPEC/:欧佩克)周四在其年度统计公报中公布的最新统计数据显示,去年全球探明原油储量比2016年减少了0.4%,减少到了1.483万亿桶,而天然气储量上升了0.2%至199.4万亿立方米。 报告估计,截至到2017年年底,欧佩克14个成员国的探明原油储备为1.214万亿桶,比2016年下降了0.3%。但欧佩克在全球原油总储量中所占的比例从2016年的81.8%升至2017年的81.9%。 报告显示,去年欧佩克原油总出口量平均每天为2486万桶,比2016年减少了40,6万桶,降幅为1.6%。欧佩克去年平均每天向亚太地区出口了大约1556万桶原油,与前几年相比基本持平,而欧洲去年从欧佩克平均每天进口了464万桶原油,比2016年日均增加了24万桶。北美在2017年从欧佩克进口了321万桶原油,比2016年日均减少了8.2万桶。 该报告指出,2017年,全球炼油日产能增加了10.4万桶,达到9693万桶,去年全球炼油产能增加的原因是“主要受到了亚太地区——尤其是中国和印度——新增产能的支持。” 欧佩克表示,2017年,全球炼油总产量增长了1.6%,达到了每日8370万桶,其中亚洲和北美的增幅最大。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: OPEC finds global proven crude oil reserves fell 0.4% to 1.483 trillion barrels in 2017 Global proven crude oil reserves declined 0.4% in 2017 from the 2016 level to 1.483 trillion barrels, while gas reserves rose 0.2% to 199.4 trillion cubic meters, OPEC said Thursday in its Annual Statistics Bulletin. OPEC’s 14 members had proven crude reserves of 1.214 trillion barrels as of the end of 2017, the report estimated, a 0.3% decline from 2016. But the bloc’s share of total world crude reserves rose to 81.9% in 2017 from 81.8% in 2016.
Total OPEC crude exports averaged 24.86 million b/d in 2017, down 406,000 b/d, or 1.6%, from 2016, according to the report. About 15.56 million b/d of the exports went to the Asia and Pacific region, largely steady from previous years, while Europe increased its OPEC imports to 4.64 million b/d in 2017, up 240,000 b/d from 2016. North America imported 3.21 million b/d of OPEC crude in 2017, down 82,000 b/d from 2016.
Global refinery capacity expanded by 104,000 b/d to hit 96.93 million b/d in 2017, “mainly supported by additions in the Asia and Pacific region, particularly in China and India,” the report stated.
Total world refinery throughput increased 1.6% to reach 83.7 million b/d in 2017, with Asia and North America seeing the largest gains, OPEC said.