中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站6月4日休斯顿报道,卡塔尔石油公司(Qatar Petroleum/QP)日前与埃克森美孚公司达成了一项协议,成为埃克森美孚公司在阿根廷的两家子公司的30%股权持有者。这两家子公司在位于阿根廷陆上内乌肯盆地世界级瓦卡姆尔塔页岩远景区的7个区块的油气许可证中持有不同的权益。 这些协议将赋予QP在两家子公司埃克森美孚勘探阿根廷公司和美孚阿根廷公司的股份。两家子公司根据非常规勘探许可证拥有与其他合作伙伴共同勘探开发这7个区块的权利。 QP总裁兼首席执行官萨阿德•谢里达•卡阿比表示:“这是一个重要的里程碑,因为它标志着卡塔尔石油公司首次在阿根廷进行投资以及卡塔尔石油公司首次在非常规油气资源方面的重大国际投资。” 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: QP to buy equity in ExxonMobil affiliates in Argentina Qatar Petroleum has entered into an agreement with ExxonMobil Corp. to become a 30% equity holder in two ExxonMobil affiliates in Argentina that hold different interests in hydrocarbon licenses for seven blocks in the world-class Vaca Muerta play in Argentina’s onshore Neuquen basin.
The agreements will give QP shareholding in the two affiliates, ExxonMobil Exploration Argentina SRL and Mobil Argentina SA. Both hold rights with other partners for seven blocks under unconventional exploration licenses. “This is an important milestone, as it marks Qatar Petroleum’s first investment in Argentina as well as its first significant international investment in unconventional oil and gas resources,” said Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, QP president and chief executive officer.