中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界炼油新闻》6月3日休斯敦报道,墨西哥国家石油公司(墨国油/Pemex)日前在墨西哥城披露了将在位于伊达尔戈州图拉市米格尔·伊达尔戈炼油厂的H-Oil厂内进行改造和调试作业的招标结果。 这个项目将提高超低硫汽油产量,此举符合已经生效的环境法规。这个项目还将把原油加工成其它燃料,例如柴油和航空煤油。 9个国际财团参加了这一招标过程,由意大利石油服务集团萨伊博姆(SAIPEM)和墨西哥SAIMEXICANA公司组成的一个国际财团以7.7911亿比索的最优惠报价赢得了这项合同,这个报价比第二名的报价低了9%。此外,这个国际财团的技术和金融条件也符合墨国油的要求。 萨伊博姆在钻井、工程、建筑和组装服务以及在陆上和海上综合项目的管理和执行领域是一个世界领导者。 李峻 编译自 世界炼油新闻 原文如下: Pemex awards Tula refinery rehabilitation contract Petróleos Mexicanos disclosed the results of the bidding process for the rehabilitation and commissioning works to be carried out on the H-Oil Plant located in the Miguel Hidalgo refinery in Tula, in the state of Hidalgo. This project will increase the production of ultra-low sulphur gasoline, in compliance with environmental regulations in effect, and the handling of crude oil for production of other fuels, such as diesel and jet fuel. Nine consortiums participated in this procedure, and it was the corporate partnership formed by SAIPEM S.P.A / SAIMEXICANA S.A. de C.V that made the most favorable bid, with technical and financial conditions agreeable to Pemex, for an amount of 779.11 million pesos, 9 percent lower than the bid that placed second. SAIPEM is a world leader in drilling, engineering, construction and assembly services for industrial plants, as well as in the management and execution of integrated on-shore and offshore projects.