

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月6日消息,摩根大通全球大宗商品研究团队的石油研究和战略负责人Abhishek Deshpande表示,今年迄今为止的油价上涨得益于强于预期的需求增长,符合欧佩克主导的减产以及伊朗和委内瑞拉石油供应面临的地缘政治风险加剧。但在伦敦举行的标普全球普氏原油峰会的第一天,Deshpande表示,2018年下半年油价的支撑因素将减少,而到2019年页岩油供应的增长应该会淹没市场。他补充称:“一旦明年美国管输瓶颈得到缓解,页岩油供应将大幅增加,而欧佩克预计将在6月会议后增加产量。” 曹海斌 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Oil Prices to Face Headwinds Later in 2018, 2019: JPMorgan Oil prices so far this year have been bolstered by stronger-than-expected demand growth, compliance with OPEC-led production cuts and heightened geopolitical risks to supply in Iran and Venezuela, according to Abhishek Deshpande, head of oil research and strategy for JPMorgan’s global commodities research team. But the second half of 2018 should be “less supportive” for prices, while by 2019 shale supply growth should flood the market, Mr. Deshpande said during the first day of the S&P Global Platts crude oil summit in London. “Shale supply will come back once pipeline capacity is up and running again next year,” while OPEC is expected to ramp up production after its June meeting, he added.  
