

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯伦敦6月5日消息,沙特国有石油公司周二上调了7月份销往全球所有地区的官方原油售价。 沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)将7月份销售到美国和亚洲的轻质原油价格环比上调了0.2美分/桶。沙特阿美同时将销售到西北欧和地中海地区的轻质原油价格每桶分别上调了1.8美元和1.5美元。 分析师和交易员普遍预期沙特阿美会在7月上调原油价格,因终端用户的需求转强。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Saudi Aramco Lifts Light Crude Selling Prices for All Regions Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil company on Tuesday raised its official crude selling prices for all regions for July. Saudi Arabian Oil Co., known as Saudi Aramco, increased the pricing of light crude on month to both the U.S. and Asia by 0.20 cents. Aramco also raised the price of light crude for buyers in Northwest Europe and the Mediterranean by $1.80 and $1.50, respectively. Analysts and traders had widely expected Aramco to raise prices for July on the back of firmer end-user demand.  
