

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月31日消息,巴西石油巨头巴西国家石油公司Petrobras正面临一次石油工人罢工行动,这场罢工始于周三凌晨,并将持续3天。该国主要的石油工人工会无视巴西劳工法庭的裁决,该法庭裁定罢工是虐待行为。在周二下午的一份报告中,巴国油表示,公司正在采取必要的措施,以避免对燃料生产产生影响。石油工人们呼吁罢免巴国油首席执行官Pedro Parente,因为他的政策是根据石油成本来设定燃料价格。最近几周,巴国油市值蒸发了数百亿美元,原因是卡车司机们为了抗议柴油价格上涨而举行罢工。 庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Brazil’s Petrobras Faces Oil Workers Strike Brazilian oil giant Petroleo Brasileiro SA faces an oil-workers strike that started in the early hours of Wednesday and is set to last for three days. The country’s main oil workers union defied a decision by Brazil’s labor court, which ruled the strike to be abusive. In a note Tuesday afternoon, Petrobras said it was taking the necessary measures to avoid an impact on fuel production. Workers are calling for the ouster of Chief Executive Officer Pedro Parente because of his policy of setting the price of fuels based on the cost of oil. Petrobras has lost tens of billions of dollars in market value in recent weeks as truckers drivers went on strike to protest higher diesel fuel prices.  
