中国石化新闻网讯 据圣彼得斯堡普氏能源资讯5月30日消息,周五,俄罗斯石油公司向加纳的能源产业提供了一个机会,签署了一份向加纳国家石油公司供应天然气的文件。 俄罗斯最大的能源生产商将在12年的时间里,将液化天然气输送到港口的大约170万吨/年(或2.5亿立方英尺/天)。俄罗斯石油天然气供应将满足加纳四分之一的能源需求,增强其能源安全,并巩固该国作为该地区关键的液化天然气枢纽的地位。 俄罗斯石油公司首席执行官伊戈尔·谢钦表示:“签署的文件为俄罗斯和加纳合作的发展开辟了新的阶段。”“俄罗斯石油公司能够满足这一(不断增长的加纳)需求,包括通过液化天然气和天然气供应。”此外,这些文件为该公司开辟了广泛的勘探、生产和交易可能性。 俄罗斯石油公司和GNPC还签署了一项框架合作协议,旨在共同研究在开发石油和天然气领域、石油和石油产品供应方面的互利合作的高优先方向。 俄罗斯石油公司和奥兰托石油有限公司(Oranto Petroleum Limited)也于上周五签署了一份谅解备忘录,内容是关于在非洲实施石油和天然气项目的潜在合作。 胡晶晶摘译自普氏能源资讯 原文如下 Rosneft gave Ghana’s energy industry a shot in the arm Friday, signing a package of documents to supply natural gas to Ghana National Petroleum Corporation. Russia’s biggest energy producer will deliver liquefied natural gas of around 1.7 million mt/year (or 250 million cubic feet/day) to the port of Tema over 12 years. Rosneft gas supplies will satisfy a quarter of Ghana’s energy demand, strengthen its energy security and reinforce the country’s position as the key LNG hub in the region. “The signed documents open a new stage in the development of cooperation between Russia and Ghana,” Rosneft Chief Executive Officer Igor Sechin said. “Rosneft is capable of meeting this [growing Ghana] demand including also through LNG and natural gas supplies. Further, the documents open up wide exploration, production and trading possibilities for the company.” Rosneft and GNPC also signed a framework cooperation agreement that envisages a joint study of high-priority directions of mutually beneficial cooperation in the development of oil and gas fields, oil and oil product supplies. Rosneft and Oranto Petroleum Limited in Nigeria also signed Friday a memorandum of understanding on potential cooperation in the implementation of oil and gas projects in Africa.