

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯5月30日伦敦报道,日本三井化工公司和日本普瑞曼聚合物株式会社周三在一份联合声明中披露,两家公司计划成立一家新公司在荷兰合建一个新的聚丙烯厂。 三井化工持有普瑞曼聚合物株式会社的65%股份。 这个新的聚丙烯厂将具有年产3万吨聚丙烯的产能,预计将在2020年6月投产。 这个新聚丙烯厂将是三井化工在欧洲的第一个聚丙烯化合物生产基地,以应对来自汽车行业日益增长的全球需求。 聚丙烯化合物是用聚丙烯与各种成分(如颜料、填料、增强剂和抗冲改性剂)混合而成的热塑性树脂。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Japan’s Mitsui Chemicals, Prime Polymer to build new polypropylene plant in Netherlands Japan’s Mitsui Chemicals and Prime Polymer, in which Mitsui Chemicals has a 65% stake, announced plans to jointly establish a company to build a new polypropylene plant in the Netherlands, the companies said in a joint statement Wednesday.
The plant’s capacity will be 30,000 mt/year and operations are expected to start in June 2020.
The new company will be Mitsui Chemicals’ first European production base for polypropylene compounds in response to growing global demand from the automotive sector.
Polypropylene compounds are thermoplastic resins produced using a blend of polypropylene with various components such as pigments, fillers, reinforcements and impact modifiers.  
