

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月30日消息,奥地利油气公司OMV周三表示,公司已经达成一项协议,计划向土耳其的Bilgin Enerji公司出售旗下一家天然气循环发电厂。 OMV表示,这座位于土耳其的发电厂设计发电能力为890兆瓦,于2013年投用。 OMV负责下游业务的执行委员会成员Manfred Leitner表示:“该电厂的剥离,符合OMV公司进一步优化业务的2025战略。” OMV表示,该交易预计在四季度结束,还有待监管机构的批准。 OMV表示,公司将保留土耳其的能源销售和贸易业务。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: OMV Sells Power Plant to Turkey’s Bilgin Enerji Austrian oil-and-gas company OMV AG (OMV.VI) said Wednesday that it reached an agreement to sell a gas-fired cycle-power plant to Turkey’s Bilgin Enerji. The plant, located in Turkey, has a capacity of 890 megawatts and started operations in 2013, the company said. “The divestment of the Samsun power plant is in line with OMV’s strategy 2025 to further optimize its portfolio,” said Manfred Leitner, a member of the company’s executive board for downstream. The transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter at the latest and is subject to the approval of authorities, OMV said. The company will retain a presence in Turkey via its energy sales and trading business, it said.  
