

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油新闻》5月28日奥斯陆报道,挪威能源巨头Equinor(其前身是挪威国家石油公司)在奥斯陆宣布,Equinor日前签署了一项数百万美元的新协议在北海钻取6口新产油井来增加石油产量。 Equinor日前与全球第二大海上钻井油服务公司挪威奥德菲尔公司(Odfjell)达成了一项框架协议来协调在北海使用《深海大西洋号》钻机在弗拉姆油田钻取三口新油井以及在阿斯克拉德许可证地区内钻取三口新油井。 Equinor负责钻井和井作业的高级副总裁Geir Tungesvik在一份声明中说:“我们希望这项合同在我们达成新的框架协议之前能提供18个月的作业,目的是为了在持续的基础上为这部钻机找到新的任务。” 李峻 编译自 世界石油新闻 原文如下: New production expected from Norwegian waters Norwegian energy major Equinor, formerly Statoil, said it signed a multi-million dollar agreement to drill six new production wells in the North Sea. Oilfield services company Odfjell landed a framework agreement with the Norwegian company to coordinate on drilling three wells on the Fram field and three production wells in the Askeladd license area in the North Sea using the Deepsea Atlantic rig. “We expect the contract to provide up to 18 months of work before we move to the new framework agreement, aiming to find new assignments for the rig on a continuous basis,” Geir Tungesvik, a senior vice president for drilling and well operations at Equinor, said in a statement.
