

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯5月29日伦敦报道,意大利传输系统运营商意大利斯纳姆公司(Snam)和美国油田服务提供商贝克休斯公司周一在一份联合声明中说,两家公司日前签署了一项协议,在意大利境内开发4个新的天然气和生物质甲烷液化厂。 声明说,这4个新的将能够液化管道天然气和生物质甲烷的小规模厂在该地区将具有年产14万吨液化天然气(LNG)的能力,而4个新厂的投资据说为5000万至8000万欧元(5800万- 9300万美元)。 两家公司说,斯纳姆和贝克休斯将在今年年底前决定“未来开发的可行性”,这也可能包括“在意大利国内外进一步开发微型液化厂的机会”。 据悉,这些新厂是意大利国内的第一批微型LNG厂,也是欧洲首批微型LNG厂。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Snam, Baker Hughes to develop four ‘micro’ LNG plants in Italy Snam, the Italian transmission system operator, and Baker Hughes, the US oilfield services provider have entered into an agreement to develop four new liquefaction plants for natural gas and biomethane, the companies said in a joint statement Monday.
The four new small-scale plants, which would be able to liquefy pipeline gas and biomethane, were due to have a production capacity in the region of 140,000 mt/year, while investment in the new plants was said to be Eur50 million-80 million ($58-$93 million), the statement said.
Snam and Baker Hughes will, by the end of 2018, determine the “feasibility of the future development,” which could also include “the opportunity to develop further micro-liquefaction plants in Italy and abroad,” they said.
The new plants were said to be the first micro-LNG plants in Italy and among the first in Europe.
