

中国石化新闻网讯 据纽约普氏能源资讯5月23日消息,Permian盆地的柴油需求随着钻探原油的钻探而不断增长,不仅给钻机加燃料,而且卡车将压裂砂和原油从井口输送到精炼厂、管道和储罐。 此外,尽管ULSD价格大幅上涨,但柴油需求与产量的上升同步上升,从而满足了全球对价格优势的Permian原油出口的需求。 根据美国能源情报署(US Energy Information Administration)的估计,5月Permian原油产量有望达到3199万桶,6月份的产量预计为3.27亿桶。 目前Permian管道的外卖容量为320万桶/天。而且,即使能源转移合作伙伴完成了之前宣布的今年晚些时候的20万桶/日扩容,它也不会跟上。 伯恩斯坦北美运输分析师戴维•弗农(David Vernon)表示,随着Permian外卖管道的产能被地区生产所取代,卡车将成为弥补这一缺口的必要条件,卡车运输成本将成为“趋势定价差异”。 在伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)周二的Permian webinar上,弗农指出,尽管铁路运力将可用于移动一些桶,但在2019年下半年新增管线产能上线之前,仍不足以将80万桶的原油生产转移到其他地区。 胡晶晶摘译自普氏能源资讯 原文如下 Diesel demand in the Permian Basin keeps growing as drilling for crude intensifies, fueling not only the rigs, but the trucks moving frac sand to the wellhead and crude from wellhead to refineries, pipelines and storage tanks. And, despite sharply higher ULSD prices, diesel demand is rising in tandem with higher production, which feeds the global appetite for price-advantaged Permian crude exports. May Permian crude output is on track to reach 3.199 million b/d, according to US Energy Information Administration estimates, with June’s production expected to be 3.277 million b/d. Current Permian pipeline takeaway capacity is 3.2 million b/d. And, even assuming Energy Transfer Partners completes its previously announced 200,000 b/d expansion of Permian Express 2 later this year, it won’t keep pace. So as Permian takeaway pipeline capacity is surpassed by regional production, trucks will become necessary to take up the slack, with the cost of trucking becoming the “trend setting price differential,” according to David Vernon, Bernstein’s North American transportation analyst. Vernon, on Bernstein’s Tuesday Permian webinar, noted that while rail capacity will be available to move some barrels, it will not be enough to move the 800,000 b/d of crude production stranded before additional pipeline capacity comes online in the second half of 2019.
