

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站5月23日休斯敦报道,美国能源信息署(EIA)23日公布的统计数据显示,美国商业原油库存(不包括战略石油储备)在5月18日结束的那周里意外增加了580万桶。 EIA在每周石油状况报告中指出,美国商业原油库存的最新估计数为4.381亿桶,这个库存量处于每年这个时候的平均原油库存水平的下半部分。 EIA在报告中还说,上周美国车用汽油总库存量增加了190万桶,处于平均范围的上半部分。上周商品汽油库存和混合成分汽油库存均出现增加。 上周美国炼油企业平均日加工1660多万桶原油,环比日减7000桶。上周美国炼油厂产能利用率为91.8%。 上周美国平均日进口820万桶原油,环比日增55.8万桶。在过去4周里,美国平均日进口790万桶原油,同比减少了大约3.5%。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: EIA: US crude stockpiles increase unexpectedly 5.8 million bblHOUSTON US crude oil inventories, excluding the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, increased unexpectedly 5.8 million bbl for the week ended May 18, according to US Energy Information Administration data.
The latest estimate is 438.1 million bbl, putting oil in storage in the lower half of the average range for this time of year, the Weekly Petroleum Status Report indicated. The report said total motor gasoline inventories increased 1.9 million bbl and are in the upper half of the average range. Finished gasoline inventories and blending components inventories increased last week. US refinery inputs averaged more than 16.6 million b/d for the week ended May 18, about 7,000 b/d less than the previous week’s average. Refineries operated at 91.8% of capacity. US crude oil imports averaged 8.2 million b/d, up 558,000 b/d from the previous week. Over the last 4 weeks, crude oil imports averaged more than 7.9 million b/d, about 3.5% less than the same period last year.  
