

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站5月22日休斯敦报道,总部设在休斯敦的钱尼尔能源公司(Cheniere Energy Inc.)22日在休斯敦宣布,该公司日前对其位于德克萨斯州科珀斯克里斯蒂的液化项目的第三条生产线作出了最终投资决定(FID)。这标志着自2015年以来在美国对新液化产能项目作出的首个FID。 根据FID,美国贝克特尔石油、天然气和化学品公司将继续建造在去年年底开始的这条新生产线。 钱尼尔能源公司麾下子公司钱尼尔科珀斯克里斯蒂控股公司修改后的信贷措施将用于支付3条生产线和相关管道以及这个项目中或靠近这个项目的基础设施的开发、建造和投入服务的部分费用。5月22日,这些设施的总承付额增加到了61亿美元。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: Cheniere reaches FID for Train 3 at Texas liquefaction project Cheniere Energy Inc., Houston, made final investment decision on Train 3 at its Corpus Christi, Tex. liquefaction project (CCL project), marking the first FID on new liquefaction capacity in the US since 2015, the company said.
Bechtel Oil, Gas & Chemicals Inc. will continue construction, which began in late 2017. Amended credit facilities of Cheniere subsidiary Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings LLC will be used to fund portion of the costs of developing, constructing, and placing into service Trains 1, 2, and 3 and associated pipeline and other infrastructure at or near the CCL project, and for related business purposes. Total commitments under the facilities were increased to $6.1 billion on May 22.  
