

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月14日消息,阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)周日表示,公司将在未来5年斥资450亿美元发展炼油业务,从而加入到沙特阿美等中东国有石油巨头大力发展炼油业务的行列。这些公司的目标是自己炼制自己生产的大部分原油,而不是仅仅出口原油。 ADNOC表示,公司的目标是在阿联酋首都阿布扎比以西约150英里的地方创建世界上最大的炼油和石化工厂。阿联酋是世界最大的石油出口国之一。 这一举措使阿布扎比得以加入中东的炼油热潮。最近几年前,石油资源丰富的中东国家还只是简单地开采原油,然后将其出口到全球其他地方进行加工。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Abu Dhabi Joins Rush Into Oil Refining in Middle East Abu Dhabi’s national oil company said Sunday it would spend $45 billion over the next five years to join other giant, state-run petroleum giants, like Saudi Aramco, in refining much of their own crude instead of just exporting it. ADNOC, as the company is known, said it aims to create the world’s largest refining and petrochemicals complex about 150 miles west of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates and one of the world’s top oil exporters. The initiative allows Abu Dhabi to join an oil refining boom in the Middle East, where, until recent years, petroleum-rich countries simply pumped crude and then exported it for processing elsewhere.  
