中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月14日消息,据美国能源情报署(EIA)公布的月度钻井生产率报告称,下个月美国七大页岩油生产区的石油产量将创718万桶/日的历史最高水平,本月为703万桶/日。数据显示,得克萨斯州的页岩油新增石油产量最多,因为覆盖西得州和新墨西哥州部分地区的二叠纪盆地和南得州的鹰滩页岩区合计将增加11.1万桶/日的石油产量,而得州以外五个地区的产量一共将增加3.3万桶/日。报告还显示已经钻井但尚未完工的油井数量继续上升,本月达到7677个,较3月份增加55个。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Oil Output Surges in US Shale Regions Oil production in the US’s seven major shale plays is seen hitting a record 7.18M bpd next month, up from 7.03M this month, according to EIA’s monthly Drilling Productivity Report. The data shows Texas leading the charge, as output in the Permian Basin of west Texas (and some of New Mexico) and the Eagle Ford region of south Texas will increase by a combined 111k bpd, while the other five zones mostly outside Texas will rise by a combined 33k bpd. The report also shows drilled-but-uncompleted wells, or DUC’s, continue to rise, hitting 7,677 this month, 55 more than in March.