

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社5月11日科伦坡报道,斯里兰卡政府的一名发言人11日在科伦坡说,在受到不断上涨油价冲击以后,国营斯里兰卡燃料零售公司锡兰石油公司(CPC)将提高汽油和柴油的零售价格。 拥有本国大约三分之二零售燃料市场的CPC将把汽油零售价格每升提高20卢比至137卢比,柴油零售价格每升提高14卢比至109卢比以及煤油零售价格每升提高57卢比至101卢比。 CPC是紧随本国唯一其他燃料零售商斯里兰卡最大能源公司Lanka IOC之后提高汽油价格的。Lanka IOC在3月份提高了燃料零售价格。 在今年前两个月由于油价上涨出现99亿卢比亏损以后,CPC一直面临提高燃料零售价格的压力。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Sri Lanka’s state-run refiner raises petrol prices State-run Sri Lankan fuel retailer Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) will raise retail prices for gasoline and diesel after being hit by rising oil prices, a government spokesman said. CPC, which has around two-thirds of the country’s retail fuel market, will increase the price of gasoline by 20 rupees to 137 rupees a litre; diesel goes up by 14 rupees to 109 rupees, and kerosene oil will rise by 57 rupees to 101 rupees. It follows Lanka IOC, the only other fuel retailer in Sri Lanka, which lifted its prices in March. CPC had been under pressure to raise prices after incurring a loss of 9.9 billion rupees ($64 million) in the first two months of the year due to rising oil prices.
