中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯5月5月10日休斯敦报道,美国能源信息署(EIA)本周发布了其最新短期能源展望报告,EIA在报告中把其对美国今夏(第三季度)汽油价格预测提高了8.1%并预计今夏美国普通等级汽油的平均价格将达到每加仑2.91美元。 美国业内消息人士周四说,考虑到在EIA预测中所确定的地缘政治风险,他们对美国今夏汽油价格的这种新前景并不感到意外。 EIA在4月初发表的上一期短期能源展望报告中曾预测美国第三季度普通汽油价格——包括税收——将平均为每加仑2.70美元。 有趣的是,尽管看起来更悲观的供需前景,美国今夏的汽油价格预计将上涨。EIA现在预测美国第三季度将平均日消耗956万桶汽油,比上一次预测下降了0.5%。与此同时,美国汽油库存预计在第三季度将平均为2.284亿桶,比上一次供应预测增加了大约2%。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Citing geopolitical risks, US EIA forecasts higher summer gasoline prices The US Energy Information Administration this week issued its latest Short-Term Energy Outlook, raising its forecast for summer (Q3) gasoline prices upward by 8.1% and expecting regular grade to average $2.91/gal.
US sources Thursday said that they were unsurprised by this new outlook for summer fuel prices, given the geopolitical risks identified in the EIA forecast.
The previous Short Term Energy Outlook from the US Energy Information Administration was released at the start of April and forecast that Q3 regular gasoline prices — including taxes — would average $2.70/gal.
Interestingly, summer fuel prices are now expected to be higher despite a seemingly more bearish supply-demand outlook. The EIA now forecasts that US gasoline consumption will average 9.56 million b/d in Q3, down 0.5% from the prior forecast. At the same time, US gasoline stocks are expected to average 228.4 million barrels in Q3, which is about 2% above the last supply forecast.