中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社5月5日休斯敦报道,KBR是一家领先的项目管理和工程服务提供商,该公司表示已获得改造Krishak Bharati合作公司(Kribhco)在印度哈扎拉(Hazira)的氨厂的一份合同。 根据该合同的条款,KBR将提供技术许可和基础工程设计(LBED)以对工厂进行改造。 KBR在氨技术领域处于世界领先地位,参与了超过230家氨工厂的许可,设计,工程和/或施工,并在全球范围内改造100多个氨项目。 金丹红 编译自 路透社 原文如下: KBR wins contract to revamp India ammonia plant KBR, a leading provider of project management, and engineering services, said it has been awarded a contract by Krishak Bharati Cooperative (Kribhco) for a revamp of its ammonia plant at Hazira, India. Under the terms of this contract, KBR will provide technology licensing and basic engineering design (LBED) for a revamp of the the plant. KBR is a leader across the world in ammonia technology and has been involved in the licensing, design, engineering, and/or construction of more than 230 grass roots ammonia plants and over 100 revamp ammonia projects globally.