

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社5月5日利雅得报道,沙特阿美公司周六表示,该公司授予16家当地企业价值超过260亿里亚尔(69.3亿美元)的协议,作为扩大王国工业基础和在国内制造更大份额产品的努力的一部分。 沙特阿美称,5月1日签署的为期10年的采购协议将侧重于当地制造商提供的压力容器。 这些公司包括Al-Zamil工艺设备公司,Al-Zamil重工业公司,Olayan Descon工程公司,沙特阿拉伯金属制品公司,海湾钢铁厂和Bemco钢铁工业公司。 金丹红 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Saudi Aramco awards 16 local firm deals worth $7bln Saudi Aramco said on Saturday it awarded 16 local companies deals worth more than 26 billion riyals ($6.93 billion) as part of a drive to expand the kingdom’s industrial base and manufacture a bigger share of products domestically. The 10-year purchase agreements, signed on May 1, will focus on the supply of pressure vessels by local manufacturers, Aramco said. The companies include Al-Zamil Process Equipment, Al-Zamil Heavy Industries, Olayan Descon Engineering, Saudi Arabian Fabricated Metals, Gulf Steel Works and Bemco Steel Industries.  
