德国Salzgitter Mannesmann公司获得了为 Trans Adriatic 海管道(TAP)提供105公里的海上部分输油管的合同,该管线将输送里海天然气至欧洲。
Salzgitter Mannesmann公司将提供36英寸的直缝埋弧焊接管(SAWL)、制动器、涂料和阳极。本合同还包括了超过71000吨的离岸管线。
TAP总经理Ian Bradshaw表示:“本次协议签署后,TAP的所有陆地以及海上的管道协议都已经签署完毕,工程的关键部件已经按计划开始生产”。
Adriatic 海上管道将连接阿尔巴尼亚和意大利南部。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
来自/Natural Gas Europe 4月16日消息 编译/张弘引
Gemany’s Salzgitter Mannesmann International has won the contract to supply linepipe for the 105-km section offshore section of Trans Adriatic gas pipeline to deliver Caspian gas to Europe.
The company will supply submerged arc welding longitudinal (SAWL) 36-in- sections as well as buckle arrestors, coating and anodes. This contract award makes up more than 71,000 metric tons of offshore line pipe.
“With this appointment TAP has now awarded all onshore and offshore line-pipe contracts. The manufacturing process for these key project elements has already begun, which is in line with our project schedule,” said TAP managing director Ian Bradshaw.
The offshore section across the Adriatic Sea will connect Albania and southern Italy.
- 张弘引
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