中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月5日消息,彭博援引未具名消息人士的话报道,英国石油公司(BP)正与摩根士丹利合作考虑收购必和必拓的部分能源资产。 彭博报道称,必和必拓将出售净面积为80万英亩的资产,并称这些资产的价值至少为100亿美元。 彭博称,必和必拓准备分最多七个资产包出售这些资产,这些资产分布在包括二叠纪盆地在内的四个盆地中。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: BP Considers Acquiring BHP Billiton Energy Assets Oil company BP PLC, working with Morgan Stanley, is considering an acquisition of some of BHP Billiton Ltd.’s energy assets, Bloomberg reports, citing unnamed sources. BHP Billiton is selling 800,000 net acres of assets, which the dual-listed mining company said are worth at least $10 billion, according to Bloomberg. BHP Billiton is preparing to sell the assets, located across four basins, including the prized Permian basin, in up to seven packages, Bloomberg reports.