

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社4月29日伊拉克巴士拉报道,伊拉克石油官员周日表示,伊拉克已与两家中国企业——中国电力建设集团(PowerChina)和北方国际合作股份有限公司(Norinco International)签署了一份合同,将在海湾地区的法奥(Fao)港建造一座炼油厂。 他对路透社记者表示,协议已于周六在伊拉克签署,位于法奥的炼油厂的产能为日产30万桶原油,并将包括一个石油化工工厂。 位于巴士拉以南的法奥炼油厂是伊拉克计划在石油产品上自给自足的几座伊拉克工厂中的一座。 在2014年,当伊斯兰国占领了位于拜伊吉的伊拉克北部最大的石油加工工厂后,该国的炼油产能受到了限制。 2015年,伊拉克军队夺回拜伊吉,但该工厂在战斗中遭到严重损坏。 伊拉克现在依赖于巴格达的Doura炼油厂和巴士拉地区的舒艾巴工厂。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Iraq signs contract with PowerChina, Norinco to build Fao oil refinery Iraq has signed a contract with two Chinese companies, PowerChina and Norinco International, to build an oil refinery at the port of Fao on the Gulf, an Iraqi oil official said on Sunday. The refinery in Fao will have the capacity to produce 300,000 barrels per day and will include a petrochemical plant, he told Reuters, saying the agreement was signed on Saturday in Iraq. The Fao refinery south of Basra is one of several Iraq plans as it seeks by Iraq to become self-sufficient in oil products. Its refining capacity was curbed when Islamic State overran its largest oil processing plant in Baiji, north of Baghdad, in 2014. Iraqi forces recaptured Baiji in 2015 but it sustained heavy damage in the fighting. The country now relies on the Doura refinery in Baghdad and the Shuaiba plant in the Basra region.
