

中国石化新闻网讯 据休斯顿普氏能源资讯4月30日消息,墨西哥国有石油公司Pemex预计,将于2018年年底前生产198万桶原油,比3月报告的产量多14万桶。该公司管理层周五在第一季度财报电话会议上表示,该公司的年产量目标为1.951亿桶。 Pemex旗下下游部门的资源和协会主管Ulises Hernandez表示,新建的浅水和陆上中流基础设施将会增加Pemex的产量。 同时,近200个陆上油井的再活化将使Pemex有相当大的增产潜力,Hernandez说。他补充说,该公司2019年的生产目标是1.953亿桶。 在2018年第一季度,Pemex的平均产量为18.9亿桶,比2017年同期减少了12.8万桶/日。 “这种下降主要是由于恶劣的天气条件造成的储存设施的高库存导致的,由于安全的原因,由于恶劣的天气条件导致一些货物无法运送。因此,原油产量在某些领域有所下降,”Hernandez说。 在本季度,运营井的平均数量为7,788个,比2017年同期减少了5.5%。埃尔南德斯说,这是由于旨在提高经济价值的战略导致的活动减少,以及一些领域的自然衰退。 胡晶晶摘译自普氏能源资讯 原文如下 Mexico state oil company Pemex expects to close 2018 by producing 1.98 million b/d of crude oil, 140,000 b/d more than March’s reported production, allowing it to achieve its annual production goal of 1.951 million b/d, the company’s management said Friday during its first-quarter earnings call. Ulises Hernandez, director of resource and associations with Pemex’s downstream division, said the construction of new shallow-water and onshore midstream infrastructure would allow for increasing Pemex’s production. Also, the reactivation of close to 200 onshore wells will allow Pemex to have a considerable production boost, Hernandez said. The company’s 2019 production goal is 1.953 million b/d, he added. During the first quarter of 2018, Pemex production averaged 1.890 million b/d, 128,000 b/d less than in the same quarter in 2017. “This decrease was mainly a result of high inventories at storage facilities due to adverse weather conditions that precluded some deliveries for safety reasons. Therefore, crude oil production decreased at certain fields,” Hernandez said. During the quarter, the average number of operating wells totaled 7,788, a 5.5% decrease as compared to the same period of 2017. This was a result of lower activity due to the strategy aimed at increasing economic value, and due to the natural decline of some fields, Hernandez said.
