

中国石化新闻网讯 据伦敦普氏能源资讯5月1日消息,今年第一季度,英国石油(BP)的石油产量下降了5%,部分逆转了上一季度的大幅增长,因为其阿布扎比(Abu Dhabi)离岸特产已经到期,而在本季度进一步下调了预期,抵消了天然气产量激增的影响。 不包括其在俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)的股份,该公司公布了自2010年第四季度以来最高的上游生产,其季度业绩报告为261万桶石油当量,较上年同期增长9%,接近于竞争对手的总产量。 该公司在上游业务的税前利润增加了一倍多,达到31.8亿美元,不包括库存变化的影响。该公司预计今年的油价将达到50美元/桶。 在与投资者的通话中,首席财务官布莱恩·吉尔温克说他没有发现任何迹象表明,公司的上游投资组合中有任何通货膨胀的迹象,包括它的天然气集中的美国页岩开采公司,它有12个钻井平台,其中一些在海因斯维尔的项目中,价格低到1美元/ b。 英国石油公司也记录了其最高的上游可靠性指标——96%。 它的上游石油产量下降至每日132万桶,正如之前的业绩报告所预测的那样,它还强调了其在阿布扎比的上扎库姆海上石油特许经营中所持股份的到期时间。 相比之下,美国资产规模相对稳定,北海的交易量则更高。该公司预测,由于季节性的维护,本季度上游产量将进一步下降。 胡晶晶摘译自普氏能源资讯 原文如下 BP’s oil output dropped 5% on the year in the first quarter, partially reversing a large jump in the previous quarter as its Abu Dhabi offshore concession expired, with a further reduction forecast in the current quarter, offset by surging gas production. Excluding its stake in Rosneft, the major reported its highest upstream production since Q4, 2010 in its quarterly results statement at 2.61 million b/d of oil equivalent, a 9% rise from a year earlier, and close to rival Total’s output. Its pre-tax profit in the upstream segment more than doubled to $3.18 billion, excluding the effect of inventory changes, and the company expects to break even at oil prices of $50/b this year. In a call with investors, chief financial officer Brian Gilvary said he saw no sign of inflation returning in any part of the company’s upstream portfolio, including in its gas-focused US shale operations, where it has 12 rigs, some with breakeven costs as low as $1/b, in the Haynesville play. BP also recorded its highest ever upstream reliability metric at 96%. Its upstream oil production fell to 1.32 million b/d, as predicted in its previous results statement, and it highlighted the expiry in March of its stake in Abu Dhabi’s Upper Zakum offshore oil concession. By contrast, volumes were stable from its US assets and higher from the North Sea. It forecast an additional fall in upstream production in the current quarter due to seasonal maintenance.
