

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯4月30日新加坡报道,由于乙烯价格持续下跌,亚洲乙烯和石脑油之间的价差在上周五环比每吨收窄了29.75美元至653.625美元/吨。 标普全球普氏能源资讯的统计数据显示,这是2017年8月10日以来的最低价差水平,价差在2017年8月10日曾为643.125美元/吨。 普氏的统计数据显示,上周五CFR 东北亚乙烯价格环比每吨下跌了25美元,被评估在1285美元/吨,这是3月6日以来的最低价差。然而,CFR日本石脑油基准价格当天被评估在631.375美元,环比日增4.75美元/吨。 据消息人士称,由于深海货物尤其是来自欧洲货物的流入导致了亚洲地区的乙烯供应不断增加,亚洲乙烯价格自4月初以来一直看跌。由于下游工厂关闭,欧洲过剩的乙烯供应量纷纷流入亚洲市场。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Asian ethylene-naphtha spread narrows as European supply pushes down ethylene prices The spread between ethylene and naphtha narrowed by $29.75/mt day on day to $653.625/mt last Friday amid falling ethylene prices. This is the lowest level since August 10, 2017, when the spread was $643.125/mt, S&P Global Platts data showed. Last Friday, CFR Northeast Asia ethylene fell $25/mt day on day to be assessed at $1,285/mt, the lowest since March 6. The CFR Japan naphtha benchmark, however, was assessed up $4.75/mt day on day at $631.375/mt, Platts data showed. Asian ethylene prices have been bearish since early April amid rising supply in the region due to an influx of deepsea cargoes, especially from Europe, where there is excess supply following the shutting of a downstream plant, according to sources.  
