中国石化新闻网讯 据墨西哥普氏能源资讯4月26日消息,墨西哥国家石油公司(Pemex)首席执行官卡洛斯•特雷维诺(Carlos Trevino)周四对标普全球普氏(S&P Global Platts)表示,墨西哥国家石油公司(Pemex)已将目光投向了今年石油产量的逐步复苏,同时也采取了一些关键措施来改善其炼油基础设施。 在巴黎国际石油峰会期间的一次采访中,特雷维诺分享了他公司今年的一些目标,因为它希望改革墨西哥的石油行业。 Pemex转型的核心是如何处理其精炼系统,迫切需要升级。Pemex正在寻找合作伙伴,以参与其Tula、Salina Cruz和Salamanca炼油厂的重组。 Trevino证实,Pemex正处于与日本三井集团(Mitsui)牵头的一个集团达成协议的最后阶段,该集团将在Tula炼油厂建立和运营重组的第二阶段。 他表示:“我们认为,我们非常接近(敲定这笔交易)。”“我们几乎处于谈判的最后阶段,所以我们希望我们能在几周内就此事进行沟通……” 他还说,计划包括在萨拉曼卡建立一个焦化装置,这样就能生产更少的燃油,并获得更多的汽油、柴油和航空燃油。潜在的合作伙伴也将被要求在这个地点建造一个新的氢工厂。 特雷维诺还表示,Pemex预计将于今年晚些时候从美国进口轻质原油,以检验它是否能提高炼油厂的效率,尤其是在其原油产量一直在下降的情况下。 “我们的炼油厂需要更多的轻质原油。今年上半年我们没有看到这种情况,但可能会发生在第三季度或第四季度,”他补充说。 胡晶晶摘译自普氏能源资讯 原文如下 Mexico’s Pemex has set its sights on a gradual recovery of its oil production this year as it also takes some key steps to revamp its refining infrastructure, CEO Carlos Trevino told S&P Global Platts Thursday. In an interview on the sidelines of the International Oil Summit in Paris, Trevino shared some of his company’s objectives for this year as it hopes to reform Mexico’s petroleum sector. Central to Pemex’s transformation is how it tackles its refining system, which urgently requires upgrading. Pemex is looking for partners to participate in the reconfiguration of its Tula, Salina Cruz, and Salamanca refineries. Trevino confirmed Pemex is in the final stages of reaching an agreement with a group led by Japan’s Mitsui to build and operate the second phase of the reconfiguration at the Tula refinery “We think we are very close to [finalizing the deal],” he said. “We are pretty much in the last stage of negotiating so we hope we can communicate that in a few weeks…” He also said plans include building a coker unit in Salamanca so it can produce less fuel oil and get more gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Potential partners will also be asked to build a new hydrogen plant at the site. Trevino also said Pemex expects to import light crude oil from the US later this year as a test to see if it can increase the efficiency of its refineries, especially as its output of such crudes had been declining. “Our refineries need a little bit more light crude. We don’t see that happening in the first half of this year, but maybe….in the third or fourth quarter,” he added.