
油价小幅走低 市场对伊朗供应的担忧仍持续

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社4月27日东京报道,周五,石油价格小幅走低,但布伦特原油在很大程度上保持了前一交易日的涨幅,因为人们担心伊朗可能面临新一轮制裁,导致供应中断。 在周四上涨1%后,全球基准布伦特原油期货下跌27美分,跌幅0.4%,在格林威治时间6:44收于每桶74.47美元。 美国西德克萨斯中质原油(WTI)价格下跌19美分,跌幅0.3%,至每桶68美元。 布伦特原油价格连续第三周上涨,上涨0.5%,而WTI本周很有可能下跌0.4%。 因预期美国将再次实施制裁,本月布伦特原油价格上涨5.9%。 市场紧张的担忧也受到委内瑞拉政治和经济形势恶化的影响,这导致过去两年原油产量下降了40%。 金丹红 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Oil prices edge down, but concerns persist over Iran supplies Oil prices edged lower on Friday, but Brent largely held its gains from the previous session amid concerns that Iran may face renewed sanctions, choking off supply. Global benchmark Brent crude futures were down 27 cents, or 0.4 percent, at $74.47 a barrel by 0644 GMT, after rising 1 percent on Thursday U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude fell 19 cents, or 0.3 percent, to $68 a barrel. The contract gained 0.2 percent the previous session. Brent is heading for a third week of gains, up by 0.5 percent, while WTI is set to drop 0.4 percent for the week. Brent has gained 5.9 percent this month on expectations the United States will renew sanctions. Concerns about market tightness have also been fueled by the deteriorating political and economic situation in Venezuela that has led to a 40-percent decline in crude output in the past two years.
