

中国石化新闻网讯 据河内普氏能源资讯4月26日消息,海关总署周二公布的数据显示,今年3月,泰国原油和冷凝水进口量为109万桶,同比增长9.7%。 该国家3月份的原油进口量同比增长10.6%,从去年的957,407桶增加到106万桶。 上月向泰国供应原油的主要供应商包括阿联酋、沙特阿拉伯和卡塔尔。 泰国在本月进口了34,373 b/d的冷凝水,同比下降了11.8%,主要来自澳大利亚和菲律宾。 今年前三个月,国家进口了964,826桶原油和冷凝水,较2017年同期增长11.9%。其原油进口量同比增长13.9%,至934556桶/天,而其冷凝水进口同比下降27.6%,至30,269桶/日。 泰国今年头两个月的原油产量为139,355桶,同比下降了9.3%,而泰国海湾的三个油田产量急剧下降。Nasaun的产量同比下降了40%,至1721桶/天,Songkhla的产量同比下降25.4%,至7564桶/日,而Tantawan的产量则下降了21.5%,至20,881桶/日。 然而,今年头两个月的冷凝水产量同比增长10.5%,至104,264桶/天,主要增长来自泰国湾的两个天然气田。4月12日公布的能源政策和规划办公室数据显示,Erawan的产量同比增长8.9%,至48,663桶/日,而Pailin的产量同比增长32.7%,至17,931桶/日。今年3月和今年第一季度的产出数据定于下个月公布。 数据显示,泰国目前的总炼油产能为1234万桶,与2017年持平。 胡晶晶摘译自普氏能源资讯 原文如下 Thailand imported 1.09 million b/d of crude and condensate in March, an increase of 9.7% year on year, Customs Department data released Tuesday showed. The country’s crude imports rose 10.6% year on year to 1.06 million b/d in March, from 957,407 b/d a year ago. Key suppliers of crude oil to Thailand last month included UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Thailand imported 34,373 b/d of condensate in the month, down 11.8% year on year, mainly from Australia and the Philippines. In the first three months of this year, the kingdom imported 964,826 b/d of crude and condensate, up 11.9% from the same period in 2017. Its crude oil imports rose 13.9% year on year to 934,556 b/d, while its condensate imports fell 27.6% year on year to 30,269 b/d. Thailand produced 139,355 b/d of crude oil in the first two months of this year, down 9.3% year on year, with a sharp decline from three oilfields in the Gulf of Thailand. Production from the Nasaun fell 40% year on year to 1,721 b/d, Songkhla’s production declined 25.4% year on year to 7,564 b/d and production at Tantawan tumbled 21.5% year on year to 20,881 b/d. Its condensate output in the first two months of this year, however, surged 10.5% year on year to 104,264 b/d, with the major increase coming from two gas fields in the Gulf of Thailand. Output at Erawan rose 8.9% year on year to 48,663 b/d, while that of Pailin climbed 32.7% year on year to 17,931 b/d, the Energy Policy and Planning Office data released April 12 showed. Output data for March and the first quarter of this year was scheduled to be released next month. Thailand currently has a total refinery capacity of 1.234 million b/d, unchanged from 2017, the data showed.  
