

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站4月26日休斯敦报道,芬兰炼油巨头和世界最大生物燃料生产商Neste石油公司周四公布的第一季度财报显示,在美国减税政策和有利可图的生物燃料生产的帮助下,该公司获得了有史以来最高的季度利润。 在第一季度业绩报告显示核心营业利润同比增加几乎一倍至4.01亿欧元(4.88亿美元)超过分析师平均预测的3.7亿欧元以后,Neste石油公司的股票上涨了12%以上。 Neste石油公司首席执行官马蒂在报告中说,作为成功销售分配和原料优化的一个结果,可再生产品能够扩大前一年的业绩。 Neste石油公司在生物燃料中增加了低质量原料的使用:废物和残渣的投入,例如动物脂肪在第一季度已占到原材料的81%。可再生产品部门第一季度利润占到了大部分,高达2.96亿欧元。 Neste石油公司在新加坡和鹿特丹拥有生物燃料厂,具有260万吨的总产能。Neste石油公司时下正在寻求扩大新加坡生物燃料厂的产能。 芬兰政府拥有49.8%股份的Neste石油公司在芬兰还拥有两个常规炼油厂。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Neste Beats Market Expectations, Shares Soar Finnish oil refiner and biofuel producer Neste posted its highest ever quarterly result on Thursday, helped by a U.S. tax break and profitable biofuel production.
Shares in the company jumped more than 12 percent after the first-quarter report showed core operating profit almost doubled from a year ago to 401 million euros ($488 million), surpassing analysts’ average forecast of 370 million euros. “Renewable Products was able to exceed the previous year’s performance as a result of successful sales allocation and feedstock optimization,” CEO Matti Lievonen said in the report. Neste has stepped up usage of low-quality feedstock in its biofuels: waste and residue inputs, such as animal fats, made up 81 percent of raw materials in the quarter. The renewable product unit made up most of the profit, 296 million euros. Neste has biofuels plants in Singapore and Rotterdam with a total production capacity of 2.6 million tonnes, and it is looking into extending the capacity in Singapore. Neste – 49.8 percent owned by the state of Finland – also has two conventional refineries in Finland. Shares in the company have risen more than 60 percent in one year.  
