

中国石化新闻网讯 WENews.com网站4月26日休斯敦报道,加拿大著名油气生产商哈斯基能源公司(哈斯基能源)周四公布的财报显示了该公司第一季度利润出现了猛增,但是,哈斯基能源下调了其2018年产量预测。哈斯基能源说,由于大宗商品价格持续疲软,该公司将暂时削减重油产量。 哈斯基能源现在预计今年将日产31万至32万桶油当量的石油和天然气,比此前预测的32万至33.5万桶油当量下降了1万至1.5万桶油当量。 哈斯基能源第一季度油气产量的平均经营成本从去年同期的13.75加元/桶油当量下降到了13.33加元/桶油当量。 第一季度净收益从去年同期的7100万加元或每股66加拿大分猛增到了2.48亿加元(1.932亿美元)或每股89加拿大分。 然而,哈斯基能源第一季度平均油气日产量下降到了30.04万桶油当量。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Husky Energy Profit Surges, Cuts Output Forecast Canadian oil and gas producer Husky Energy Inc reported a jump in quarterly profit on Thursday, but lowered its 2018 output forecast, saying it would temporarily cut heavy oil production due to weakening prices of the commodity.
The company now expects production of 310,000 to 320,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) in 2018, down from previous forecast of 320,000 to 335,000 boepd. Average operating costs of production was C$13.33 per boe in the quarter, compared with C$13.75 per boe, a year earlier. Net earnings rose to C$248 million ($193.2 million), or 89 Canadian cents per share, in the three months ended March 31, from C$71 million, or 66 Canadian cents per share, a year earlier. However, Husky’s average production fell to 300,400 barrels of oil equivalent per day  
