

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGN4月26日马斯喀特报道,阿曼的杜格姆炼油厂项目将开始定于今天(4月26日)举行的奠基仪式。 杜格姆炼油厂项目是阿曼石油公司与科威特石油国际公司之间的一项50/50的合资项目。 杜格姆炼油厂和石化工业公司表示,该项目将使杜格姆地区充满活力,并使其成为该地区一个可行的战略能源中心。 该公司表示,该仪式是发展世界级综合炼油和石化项目的重要一步。 一个在阿曼石油公司与科威特石油国际公司(Kuwait Petroleum International)之间的财团表示,该项目旨在促进阿曼和科威特的炼油业,并增强杜格姆在该地区的新业务中心地位。 早些时候,杜格姆炼油厂已经获得EPC合同以建造日产23万桶的精炼厂。 金丹红 编译自 OGN 原文如下: Ground-breaking set for Duqm Refinery Work on Oman’s Duqm Refinery project will kick start with a ground-breaking ceremony scheduled to be held today (April 26). The Duqm Refinery project is a 50/50 joint venture between Oman Oil Company and Kuwait Petroleum International. It is a project that would energise the area of Duqm and make it a viable and strategic energy hub in the region, said the Duqm Refinery and Petrochemical Industries Company. The ceremony is an important step forward in the development of a world-class integrated refining and petrochemicals project, said the company. A consortium between Oman Oil Company and Kuwait Petroleum International, the project is aimed at boosting the refining industry of Oman and Kuwait and enhancing Duqm’s position as a new business hub in the region, it said. Earlier, Duqm Refinery had awarded EPC contracts for the construction of the 230,000 bpd refinery.
