

中国石化新闻网讯 据伦敦普氏能源资讯4月26日消息,道达尔周四表示,今年第一季度的石油产量同比增长了14%,预计其上游产量将超过此前预测的6%,其结果反映了上游盈利能力的提高。 道达尔的第一季度业绩既反映了油价上涨,也反映了新开发项目的启动、收购丹麦的马士基石油(Maersk oil)以及该公司去年7月收购卡塔尔Al-Shaheen油田的产量激增。 该公司在上游调整营业利润增长了58%,与去年同期相比下降了30%。 它设定了一个目标,在2016-22年平均每年增加5%的上游产量。 今年将陆续推出的项目包括:Kaombo和Egina油田,分别是安哥拉和尼日利亚的近海油田,以及澳大利亚的Icthys液化天然气项目。 今年3月,利比亚当局在美国上游公司马拉松石油公司(Marathon Oil)的Waha油田购买了16.33%的股份,该公司首席执行官Patrick Pouyanne对这一消息表示不满。他说,该公司在交易完成之前就已经向当局提供了良好的建议,并将“给他们所有的安抚,让他们放心,我们愿意为利比亚的国家利益开发Waha油田。” 第一季度道达尔产量为148万桶,而天然气产量则下降了3%,至6.66 MMcf/d,生产总值为270万桶/日,为季度记录。 胡晶晶摘译自普氏能源资讯 原文如下 France’s TOTAL expects its upstream production this year to surpass a previous growth forecast of 6% after its oil output surged by 14% year on year in the first quarter, it said Thursday, as its results reflected improved upstream profitability. Total’s Q1 results reflected both higher oil prices and a production surge resulting from the launch of newly developed projects, the purchase of Denmark’s Maersk Oil, and the company’s takeover of the Al-Shaheen oilfield offshore Qatar last July. The company recorded a 58% increase in adjusted operating profit in the upstream and a 30% decrease in the same metric for the downstream compared with a year earlier. It has set a target of increasing upstream production by 5%/year on average during 2016-22. Further projects due on stream this year include the Kaombo and Egina oilfields, offshore Angola and Nigeria, respectively, and the Icthys LNG project in Australia. Total produced 1.48 million b/d of liquids in the first quarter, while its gas production slipped by 3% on the year to 6.66 MMcf/d, making for total production of 2.70 million b/d of oil equivalent, a quarterly record.
