中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站4月20日休斯敦报道,贝克休斯公司(BHI)20日公布的统计数据显示,美国在用钻机总数在4月20日结束的那周里又增加了5部,在用钻机总数达到了1013部,这个数字比一年前在用钻机总数增加了156部。 统计数据显示,上周美国墨西哥湾海上在用钻机数增加了2部至18部,陆上在用钻机数增加了3部至991部。 统计数据还显示,上周美国在用石油钻机数增加了5部至820部,同比增加了132部。上周美国在用天然气钻机数没有变化仍保持在192部,但同比增加了25部。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: Baker Hughes: US rig count gains another 5 units to reach 1,013 The US drilling rig count gained another 5 units to reach 1,013 during the week ended Apr. 20, data from Baker Hughes indicate. The report shows an overall increase of 156 units from year-ago levels.
Offshore units were up 2 to 18 units working in the Gulf of Mexico. A total of 991 rigs were drilling on land, up 3 units from last week. Rigs targeting oil were up 5 units to 820, up 132 from the 688 rigs drilling for oil this week a year ago. Gas-targeted rigs remained unchanged at 192 units. This time a year ago, 167 units were drilling for gas.