

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯4月20日消息,全球石油供应趋紧,加上地缘政治风险,已刺激原油价格升至2014年以来的最高水平,布伦特原油价格逼近每桶75美元。瑞士宝盛宏观和大宗商品研究负责人Norbert Ruecker表示:“在中东局势紧张的情况下,美国库存令人意外的下降,将油价推高至新高。” Ruecker表示,欧佩克继续致力于减产,这也推动了油价的上涨。他表示:“从根本上说,全球经济的蓬勃发展,以及委内瑞拉石油产量暴跌等供应问题,支撑了油价。” 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Oil Push Towards $75 a Barrel on Tightening Market Tightening global oil supply, combined with geopolitical risk, has sent crude prices to their highest levels since 2014, with Brent edging towards $75 a barrel. “A surprising U.S. storage decline comes on top of Middle East tensions and lifts oil prices to new highs,” says Norbert Ruecker, head of macro and commodity research at Julius Baer. Mr. Ruecker says prices have also been bolstered by OPEC’s continued commitment to production cuts. “Fundamentally, the humming global economy, as well as supply issues such as Venezuela’s collapsing oil output, underpin oil prices,” he says. Julius Baer maintains a neutral stance on the oil market, but expects uncertainty to be “elevated for the time being.”  
