

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯雅典4月19日消息,希腊国家私有化基金周三表示,希腊已经启动了出售该国最大的炼油商希腊石油公司(Hellenic Petroleum)主要股权的国际招标活动。 该基金表示,希腊政府将出售该公司不少于50.1%的股权,并要求感兴趣的投资者在5月18日前提交意愿书。 本月初,希腊石油公司的主要股东私有化基金和Paneuropean石油和工业控股公司同意出售该公司至少50.1%股权。 按市价计算,希腊石油公司是欧洲第三大炼油商。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: DJ Greece to Sell Majority Stake in Hellenic Petroleum Greece has launched an international tender for the sale of a majority stake in the country’s biggest oil refiner, Hellenic Petroleum SA (ELPE.AT), the state privatization fund said on Wednesday. The fund said it will sell no less than 50.1% in the company and called interested investors to submit expressions of interest by May 18. Earlier this month, the company’s major shareholders–the sell-off fund and Paneuropean Oil and Industrial Holding–agreed to divest at least 50.1% of the company. Hellenic Petroleum is third largest oil refiner in Europe based on its market value.  
